Thursday, February 28, 2008

So....Who You Workin' For??

Careers in real estate. Wow. They come in so many different sizes and shapes. Some work for corporations, government, big brokerage firms, small brokerage firms, the list is endless. However, those that matter most, at least in my biased opinion are the little guys. The independents. The guys and gals who are getting out there and hustling everyday. Meeting people, going places and putting together deals that others just don't see, do not want to see or do not want to deal with. does one make a go at it as an independent? Should you be licensed and work for a smaller firm that gives you independence, but little support? Should you align yourself with like minded individuals for a support network and encouragement? Where do you find the deals and the clients when you're Realtor Solo? Are you networking? Prospecting? Buying people lunch? Taking time to enjoy life? What about meditation and prayer?
Real estate is very much a people business. The more people, the more business. However, that "people" base has to continually be nurtured and developed. Water it a little bit by having your own well rounded life.

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