Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Real Estate: 3 Steps to a Rewarding Career

1. The Power of Your Imagination

Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Have you imagined what you want your professional life to look like in a year? Or three?

  • See your self doing the work you love and visualize yourself putting in the hours to make it happen.
  • Who are your ideal clients and colleagues?
  • What are your ideal surroundings? Work environment?
  • What is your ideal income?
  • What steps are you taking to obtain it?
2. Become aware of obstacles, challenges and self-limiting beliefs.

  • Identify self-limiting beliefs and then practice reprogramming those beliefs to beliefs of success.
  • Recognize when you are sabotaging yourself. Don't stand in your own way.
  • Beware of your own self talk and work to make it always positive and uplifting. Even if your day or struggles haven't been the best.

3. Have a plan to reach your goals.

  • Do you have a plan for achieving your goals?
  • Do you have a time frame in mind for completing your plan?
  • To whom are you accountable? Do you have a mastermind group of like minded individuals?
  • What are your unique selling points?
  • What is your niche? Your target market?
  • What is your plan to reach your target market, identify problems and provide, not only service, but a solution?

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